
罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482
(248) 370-3177

The exterior of the 工程中心 at 韦德体育app官网


Semiconductor technology is a highly complex field that demands proficiency in a range of disciplines, 包括物理, 制造业, 以及设备工程. Not all engineering programs can offer semiconductor and microelectronics curricular and research programs due to the requirement for cleanroom fabrication and sophisticated equipment for 制造业 microdevices. 韦德体育app官网 (OU)'s School of 工程与计算机科学 (SECS) is fortunate to have a microelectronics credit program with comprehensive courses and a 1400-sq ft, Class 1000 cleanroom in the 工程中心 for hand-on-training. We recently developed a non-credit certificate program entitled, 半导体基础介绍, designed to upskill Professional Engineers interested in the semiconductor discipline.


These three topics offer fundamentals to the principles, 材料结构, 半导体器件的制造工艺.


This course on semiconductor basics will cover the following topics essential to semiconductors and microelectronics: semiconductor crystals; charges in semiconductor; energy bands of the charges in semiconductors, equilibrium and non-equilibrium states of charges in semiconductors; semiconductor-metal contacts; semiconductor diodes; bipolar junction transistors (BJT) and metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFET).

模块 2:集成电路和构建模块

This module addresses fundamental device structures and functional blocks in integrated circuits. Compared to discrete devices, various special effects are involved in integrated circuits.  相应的, the circuit design and individual device implementations are different from circuits built with discrete semiconductor devices.


  • Transition and requirements from discrete semiconductor devices to integrated circuits
  • Structures of BJTs and MOSFETs in integrated circuits
  • 数字门电路和逻辑电路
  • Building blocks of digital and analog integrated circuits such as active loads, 共源共栅, 电流反射镜和直流偏置技术, 参考源和IC性能改进
  • BJT和MOSFET线性放大器

模块 3: Discrete and Integrated Circuit Design Using Cadence

The design of semiconductor devices and ICs involves comprehensive understanding of the device structures and the technologies used in device fabrication. Electronic design automation (EDA) tools are also crucial in implementation of the design. 模块 3 offers such coverage with trainees’ hands-on experience in circuit design using Cadence — a mainstream EDA platform for IC design.


  • Major performance parameters of analog and digital circuits
  • Frequency responses and timing of digital gate circuits
  • 电力设计
  • 互连
  • 组合和顺序设计方法
  • 输电线路
  • 集成电路中的器件模型
  • Hands-on experience with Cadence for circuit design and simulation such as platform configuration, 技术选择, 化学与仿真, 布局, 后期布局仿真, 优化设计, 敲打出过程

Trainees will use OU SECS’s Cadence platform through remote access.


The Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at 韦德体育app官网 supports a variety of renowned researchers, 渴望通过他们的学生发光. 具体地说, the Semiconductor program includes a set of specialists with decades of experience with the cutting-edge technology.

Dr. 曲宏伟教授

这个项目的主要指导老师是Dr. 瞿:. Dr. Qu is a professor at the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at 韦德体育app官网. He has 30 years of experience in semiconductor devices and technologies. Currently his research interest centers at CMOS-MEMS sensors, integration process and materials for reliable connectivity and packaging. He has also conducted research in other areas including solid-state photonic and magnetic devices. 在奥克兰, he has completed a number of federal and state-supported research projects with grants totaling over $3M. In completion of these projects, he has graduated 5 PhD students and 6 MS students at Oakland. Dr. Qu has over 70 journal publications in these research areas. He has collaborations with many researchers in major universities in Michigan.

Dr. Amanpreet Kaur -副教授

Amanpreet Kaur is an Assistant Professor at 韦德体育app官网. 她得了B.S. degree from Punjab Technical University, India in 2005, M.S. degree from PEC University of Technology, Chandigarh, India in 2007, and a Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Michigan State University (MSU), 东兰辛, MI, 美国, in 2016.

Dr. 考尔已经获得了几个奖项, 包括NSF ERI, 韦德体育app官网教师研究奖学金, NIST格兰特, and Michigan Economic Development Corporation for Developing a Semiconductor Training Program for Automotive Engineers. She is also a senior member of IEEE since 2018 and is currently serving as Associate Editor and Guest Editor for IEEE T-CPMT and MDPI Sensors special issue, “5G通信系统的天线系统. 另外, she has served as co-chair for the Interactive Presentation Session at the IEEE ECTC conference and International Microwave Symposium (IMS).