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罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482

410 Contracting and Employment Appointment Authority


理由是:  明确韦德体育app官网各项行政职能的合同授权,并于2月2日进行了修订, 2024年由校董会批准.



1.  承包军官 


总统 shall be the principal contracting officer for the University. 董事长可将此项授权授权给指定人员,但须将授权授权具体说明并以书面形式提交董事会秘书办公室.  除经特别指定或授权外,任何人不得根据本授权订立合同.  The Board may in specific instances designate additional contracting officers. 


2.  采购合同

A.  All contracts for expenditures that aggregate more than $2,500,除第2条规定的情况外,经法律顾问审查后的第000条必须在总裁或总裁指定人执行之前得到董事会的批准.C.

B.  Contracts for expenditures that aggregate $2,500,000或以下 may be executed by the President or the President's designee without Board approval.  If any contract under this provision alters or is a departure from a Board approved policy, 惯例或程序, or is in conflict with a policy established by the Board, such contract shall be subject to prior Board approval before execution.  All contracts for expenditures under this provision that aggregate $1,000,000 or more shall be reported to the Board for informational purposes.  

C.  In the event of an emergency where it is necessary to conserve University assets, or to protect the interests of the University, or to address the health and safety concerns of the campus population, 且在该等协议必须执行之前,没有定期召开董事会会议, 则授权总裁无须事先得到董事会的批准就货物和服务的资金支出订立合同, provided such expenditures are in accordance with the policies and practices established by the Board.  根据本授权订立的任何支出或合同,均应在理事会下次常会上报告,以供批准和对预算拨款作出任何必要的修正.

D.  Licensing and lease agreements for the purchase or use by the University of goods, 服务, or personal property rights are considered contracts under this section. 

E.  For capital improvement projects that aggregate $2,500,000或以下, the President or designee has the authority to execute all contracts.  All capital improvements projects under this provision that aggregate $1,000,000 or more shall be reported to the Board for informational purposes.  

For capital improvement projects that aggregate more than $2,500,000, Board authorization shall be obtained at the conceptual stage of the project. 当时, the administration shall present a clear description of the scope of the project, 的目标, the process to be followed for selection of a design, 项目进度, 和预算. If the Board approves the project, 然后,总统有权在批准的范围和预算内完成该计划. 

For any capital improvement project that has major aesthetic considerations, the administration shall obtain Board approval of the schematic design.

3.  Employment Appointments and Contracts 

A.  在遵守大学政策的情况下,有权批准职位和任命, 程序, relevant employment contracts 和预算 authorizations, 应如下所述. 此外还规定,当这些职位和任命导致全时职位总数净增时, 应通知董事会. 

1.  (a)  Academic dean positions and appointments, academic administrator appointments, and full-time non-visiting faculty appointments including promotions, 工作保障, 上述所有职位的任期行动均须经总裁推荐,并须经董事会批准.  When it is in the interest of the University, 总裁或总裁指定人员可在获得董事会批准之前提出雇用要约,该要约应明确取决于董事会的行动.

     (b)  The establishment of all academic administrator positions (except full deans as provided in 3.A.1(一)), 教师、教学职位和研究职位由校长或校长指定的人任命. 

     (c)  The appointment of full-time visiting faculty, 兼职教师, 继续教育教学人员由教务处常务副校长或指定人员选派.  Such appointments shall be made under guidelines established by the President.

2.  (a)副主席职位和这些职位的改叙和任命须经主席建议并经理事会核准. 

     (b)行政专业人员叙级“U”(或同等叙级)或以上的所有行政专业人员和非学术人员职位和改叙均须经院长建议,并须经董事会批准.  Appointment of personnel to these positions shall be reported to the Board. 

3.  The establishment and appointment of all other positions and reclassifications not provided for in 3.1. 和2. 以上 shall be made by the President or the President's designee.

B.  Contracts for employment of faculty and staff, subject to compliance with University policies, 程序, 总统制定的有关雇佣合同和预算授权及指导方针应按下列方式执行:

1.  教务处常务副校长或指定人员与院长签订聘任合同, academic administrators and all faculty and instructional positions.

2.  总统, Vice President for Finance and Administration, 或者他们指定的人, shall execute employment contracts for all other employees not specified under paragraph 3.B.1. 以上.

4.  集体谈判合同:

与官方认可的谈判单位团体签订的集体谈判合同将由负责财务和行政的副总裁签署, 他/她被任命者, 和大学的首席谈判代表(如果不是财务和行政副校长指定的人), subsequent to approval of such contracts by the President and the Board.

5.  Contracts for University Facilities and Services

A.  Contracts for the lease of University facilities, 除了个人居住, that are for a period of more than five years, are to be executed by the President or the President's designee, subsequent to approval by the Board.
B.  五年或更短时间的大学设施租赁合同和住宅租赁协议将由校长或校长指定人员执行.

6.  格兰特合同/协议

Contract/grant agreements relating to educational, 研究, 大学的公共服务和学生资助活动由校长或校长指定的人执行. 需要实际承担大学资金的合同/赠款协议受第2条规定的资金限制批准要求的约束.  本条款下的合同/赠款协议应在尽可能早的会议日期向董事会报告.

7.  Contracts for the Sale or Disposal of University Assets

A.  Subject to the specific prior approval by the Board, compliance with University 程序 and policy and review by legal counsel, 校长或校长指定的人有权签署出售属于学校的不动产的协议.
B.  总统, Vice President for Finance and Administration or the Treasurer, when in the interest of the University, 有权出售, assign or endorse for transfer any certificates representing stocks, bonds or other securities received in kind and held or registered in the name of 韦德体育app官网

C.  主管财务和行政的校长或副校长有权出售或处置少于100美元的大学剩余物品和设备,在对韦德体育app官网有利的情况下,按照大学的政策和程序,每件物品的评估价值为5000美元.

D.  校长或主管财务和行政的副校长有权出售或处置大学剩余的艺术品, 古董, or collectors' items of less than $100,000 value for each item subject to prior approval of the Board or an 特别的 由校董会特别委任的委员会,负责为大学的利益处置该等财产.

8. 遵守法律






Exhibit 1 - Signature Authority Chart