Satisfactory Academic Progress
to Maintain Federal Financial 援助 Eligibility




Jeremy Jones, Associate Director of 金融服务






To ensure compliance with Federal Financial 援助 Requirements

Scope and Applicability:

All students enrolled in the School of Medicine

Standard Practice Guideline:

What is Satisfactory Academic Progress for Federal Financial 援助?

学生 who receive Federal Student 援助 (FSA) must, in accordance with federal regulations, maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) toward their degree.  Under Federal Title IV law, the school’s SAP requirements must meet certain minimum requirements, 并且至少要像学校制定的SAP政策一样严格,针对没有收到FSA资金的学生.  该政策适用于在7月1日或之后开始的学期/入学期间接受FSA的学生, 2011.

The standards used to evaluate academic progress are cumulative and, 因此, include all periods of the student’s enrollment, including periods during which the student did not receive federal financial aid funds. 

What is the OUWB SAP Policy for Federal Financial 援助?

To maintain federal financial aid eligibility at OUWB, students must demonstrate satisfactory progress toward degree completion.  Federal regulations require three measurements to determine SAP: qualitative, quantitative and timeframe.

Qualitative Requirement:

In determining students’ qualitative academic progress, 财务服务遵循OUWB学生绩效审查委员会(SPRC)的学术审查政策,该政策适用于所有学生,无论其是否有经济援助资格,并符合最低的Title IV SAP要求. 每年对每位医学生的学术质量进步进行正式审查, at the end of the academic year by the SPRC.


Quantitative (PACE) Requirement:

To be making quantitative academic progress, 学生必须成功完成足够比例的学分,才能在规定的时间内毕业. 所有尝试和完成的学分将在每学年结束时进行评估,以确定学生的累积课程完成率(PACE)。.

The minimum required completion percentages are as follows:

  • After the first year of enrollment – 50%
  • After the second and all subsequent years of enrollment – 67%


Treatment of Credits:

Credits for courses and clerkships will be evaluated as follows:

  • Attempted and completed:  Honors, 高通, Pass, Pass with Remediation
  • Attempted, 但还没有完成: Fail, Incomplete, 令人不满意的, Withdraw

Note:  Incomplete grades changed to Honors, 高通, or Pass are calculated as both attempted and completed. Incomplete grades changed to Fail, 令人不满意的, or Withdraw are calculated as attempted, 但还没有完成.


重复学分:每一次成功完成一门课程的尝试都算作尝试, but only the last successfully completed attempt will be counted as completed.

Maximum Timeframe Requirement:

最长时间是指学生在首次入学后可以完成全日制学位课程并有资格获得经济援助的最大年数.  The normal timeframe for completion of required course work for the M.D. degree at OUWB is four (4) academic years. 入学许可的最长年限为首次入学后六(6)学年(完成正常时间的150%).

To meet the maximum timeframe requirement, students must:

  • Complete all M1 and M2 coursework in no more than three (3) academic years
  • Complete all M3 and M4 coursework in no more than three (3) academic years
  • Complete all degree requirements (graduate) in no more than six (6) academic years




Treatment of Repeated Coursework:


Provided the SAP requirements are met, 如果学生成绩不及格或中途退课,可以获得经济资助.  成功修读同一门课程,只可获额外资助一次. 

Repeat of Entire Year Coursework

Provided the SAP requirements are met, 不及格的学生需要重修一整年的课程, which would also include successfully completed courses, 是否有资格在要求的学年重复获得联邦财政援助.  Funding will be provided only once for the repeat of the same academic year.

How often is SAP Reviewed?

OUWB金融服务将在每学年结束时审查所有医科学生的数量和最长时间范围内令人满意的学业进展. 这项审查将在通知金融服务部门,SPRC已经完成了对所有医科学生的质量学术进展的审查之后进行. 

Loss of Financial 援助 Eligibility:

未能满足任何SAP要求的学生将没有资格获得任何进一步的经济援助资金. 金融服务部将以书面形式通知学生其助学金暂停状态以及可能恢复的上诉程序, 如果适用的话.


学生 not making financial aid SAP requirements may submit a written, documented appeal based upon special circumstances (e.g.(如亲属死亡、学生受伤或生病或其他特殊情况). 金融服务部将通知学生是否有资格完成恢复援助的上诉程序.   上诉必须:

  • Explain the reason(s) for failing to meet SAP requirement(s),
  • Document the circumstance(s),
  • 表明这种情况已经得到解决,以便将来取得学术上的成功.

Appeals are heard by the SAP Appeals Committee and may be approved or denied. SAP上诉委员会由财务事务副总监召集,成员包括记录及注册部的代表, 学生事务, and other departments as may be deemed appropriate. SAP Appeals Committee decisions are final.

  • 被批准的上诉:上诉被批准的学生将被置于经济援助试用期. Please see ‘Financial 援助 Probation and Academic Plan’ below.
  • 上诉被拒绝:上诉被拒绝的学生可以通过在没有联邦财政援助资金的情况下学习和支付课程来重新建立SAP的联邦财政援助资格. 联邦财政援助可以在确定满足所有SAP要求的期限之后立即开始恢复.


Financial 援助 Probation and Academic Plan:

学生, whose appeals for reinstatement of financial aid funding are approved, will be placed on Financial 援助 Probation.  SPRC将制定一份学术计划,详细说明学生必须满足的条件,以确保在最长的时间内完成学业. 学生必须满足学术计划中规定的条件,才能继续获得联邦财政援助.

学生将继续享受经济援助试用期,直到他们符合学术计划的条款并达到质量要求, quantitative and maximum timeframe requirements.  



Related 政策 and 形式:
